Acta Entomologica Serbica 2024-10-03T13:57:10+02:00 Vladimir Žikić Open Journal Systems Acta Entomologica Serbica is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering entomology published by the Entomological Society of Serbia. It publishes mainly original research papers. PAUESIA QUILIS, 1931 (HYMENOPTERA, BRACONIDAE; APHIDIINAE) IN SERBIA: THREE SPECIES NEW TO SERBIAN FAUNA WITH AN IDENTIFICATION KEY 2024-10-03T13:57:10+02:00 Korana Kocić Jelisaveta Čkrkić Andjeljko Petrović Željko Tomanović <p><em>Pauesia</em> is a diverse genus within the Aphidiinae subfamily, comprising about 80 species across the Holarctic region. Despite their diversity and distribution, a comprehensive modern revision of the species has yet to be undertaken. So far, six species have been recorded in Serbia. Our study identified three species new to the Serbian fauna: <em>Pauesia similis </em>Starý, 1966, <em>P. juniperorum </em>(Starý, 1960), and <em>P. silvestris </em>(Starý, 1960). Data on the location and tritrophic associations of the collected material are provided, as well as an identification key for <em>Pauesia</em> females in Serbia. We present two new trophic associations, both involving <em>Pinus peuce</em> Griseb. (Macedonian pine): <em>P. similis</em> and <em>P. piceaecollis</em> reared from <em>Cinara</em> aphids.</p> 2024-10-03T13:57:10+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##