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Farzali Norouzi Aghamaleki
Javad Farahmandfar
Mohammad Reza Damavandian
Mehrdad Amouoghli Tabari
Seyed Yousof Moosavi Toghani


The present study comprised three separate experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of biocompatible strategies in controlling Chilo suppressalis Walker in rice fields. The results of the first experiment showed that the lowest number of infested tillers, number of larvae, pupae, and dead hearts was related to the oil-spraying treatment with an interval of 7 days. The results of the second experiment in part 1 showed that mineral oil, 5% kaolin, mineral oil + kaolin, and diazinon caused 79.20, 58.40, 83.21, and 77.27% reductions in dead heart and 77.86, 69.47, 88.04, and 93.13% reductions in the white head in rice plants and 72.00, 50.74, 76.89 and 97.37% reduction in C. suppressalis ovipositing, respectively, compared to the control. According to the results of the second experiment in Part 2, 3% mineral oil, 5% kaolin, 5% kaolin + trap crop, and 3% mineral oil + trap crop had a 57.50, 64.67, 96.47, and 92.83% repelling effect, respectively, against adult rice striped stem borer (RSSB) insects and reduced oviposition. These treatments reduced the number of dead hearts by 66.07, 76.75, 89.45, and 85.64% and the number of whiteheads by 57.80, 65.12, 73.90, and 69.02 compared to the control. The results of the second experiment in Part 3 showed that mineral oil, kaolin 5%, and mineral oil + kaolin caused 42.83, 64.24, and 78.59% reductions in the number of infested tillers, respectively, compared with the control. In the third experiment, mineral oil and mineral oil + kaolin reduced the number of C. suppressalis larvae by 80.65 and 90.32%, respectively. These treatments also resulted in 55.56 and 75% in dead hearts and 73.29 and 79.45% in whiteheads, respectively. The findings show that mineral oil and kaolin can be applied individually and in combination with each other or in combination with trap cropping to control C. suppressalis.

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How to Cite
Norouzi Aghamaleki, F., Farahmandfar, J., Damavandian, M. R., Amouoghli Tabari, M., & Moosavi Toghani, S. Y. (2024). FIELD EVALUATION OF NEW STRATEGIES IN INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF RICE STRIPED STEM BORER (CHILO SUPPRESSALIS) IN RICE FIELDS. Acta Entomologica Serbica, 29(1), 71-93.


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