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The pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.), is a significant defoliator in pine forests. T. pityocampa also causes health risks to people due to their urticating hair. Possible control options include the application of chemical pesticides, mechanical removal, and the use of predator insects. However, these control methods are insufficient to control the pest. Therefore, new environmentally friendly control methods are needed to protect pine forests. In this study, a previously unreported species of entomopathogenic fungus was isolated and identified, and its insecticidal effect against pine processionary moth larvae was determined for the first time. The fungal isolate was identified as Beauveria hoplocheli according to the results of fungal rDNA gene sequence analysis. The insecticidal potential of the fungal isolate was also tested against second-instar larvae of T. pityocampa. The fungal isolate had a high pathogenic effect, ranging from 73.4% to 100% against the T. pityocampa larvae.
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